Hiya. How are you?
I’m writing today to let you know about a couple of freelance posts we are recruiting for over the next couple of weeks. It’s a short turnaround as we just found out about our funding. I’d really appreciate it if you can share with people you think might be a good fit.
As jobs are advertised, we move into new territory – offering much needed employment (albeit temporary), but also with each open call out we know we will have to manage rejection at a time when we know that rejection can be very hard to bare.
Everything is not okay. We have to remind ourselves, because that’s why work and life feel so hard right now. It is such a strange thing to be coming up to a year of closure, lockdown, grief and challenge and to think of all that this has meant, with so many impacted in so many different ways.
I hope you’re being kind to yourself and reminding yourself that you are not the reason that everything feels so difficult. That feels like an important thing to acknowledge. Everything is not ok and that is true for all of us.
The New Economics Foundation published their “Five Ways to Wellbeing report” ten years ago and to me it could not feel more relevant. Their five ways to wellbeing are:
1. Connect…
2. Be active…
3. Take notice…
4. Keep learning…
5. Give…
6. Dance around the kitchen to the radio… (I added that one).
Spring is coming. I know lots of people have lockdown silver linings – family, friends, pets, a yoga practice, dancing, learning, reading, walking, sharing… Things are beginning to open up ever so slightly and carefully. I think we can dare to be hopeful.
As change happens for you, take care with it. Transitions can be tricky. Go gently.
Creative Scotland’s Hardship Fund for Freelancers reopens on Monday 15th at 2pm for those who haven’t applied this month.
Take care,
PS – Thanks for supporting IAP.
Full email update: https://mailchi.mp/fa67fdf28b6e/independent-arts-projects-here-we-are-5641318